How To: Create A Standard Token
Check out the steps below for how to create a standard token with Seile using your MetaMask wallet on your desktop, or phone.
Last updated
Check out the steps below for how to create a standard token with Seile using your MetaMask wallet on your desktop, or phone.
Last updated
1. From the homepage: click on “Dashboard" and connect your wallet.
Press/select the "Create Token" button and you'll be redirected to this link:
To create a standard type token, in the [Type] section, choose “Standard Token”. Different token types will be added soon.
Click on “Deploy token” after inputting all required fields.
Decimals must be greater than or equal to 2.
All fields are required, they cannot be blank.
Decimals and the total supply must be a positive number.
Creation Fee: 20 $Sei.
MetaMask will now ask you to confirm the transaction. It will also show you the fee that you are required to pay for that transaction. If you agree, then click on the “Confirm” button to finish the process.